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Well I’m down here near Orlando, FL visiting with Peg’s sister and family. Their daughter is graduating high school and Peg has been looking for a good excuse to visit. Works out like peanut butter and jelly I guess!

Anyway this is the first time I’ve met this part of the family and they’re all good people. As soon as I met Debbie I knew she was family as I had to look down on her. We got to the house where I met Debbie’s husband Jeff. After we got settled a bit we did a little grocery shopping then back to the house where Marie, the graduate, came home just after us. Then a bit later Max, the oldest, made his appearance and introductions. Of course Tiki the dog made his little presence known right from the start at the house. Of course Peg gets totally focused on him if he’s around, but that was expected.

Today Peg and I slept in until about 10 or so. We were both amazed but we woke well rested. After getting ourselves together we went out and found a dog track and took in a couple races. We walked out about $15 up even considering we had no program and we just picked a dog by it’s number. Then after our adventure on the way home, we went out to dinner with Debbie and Jeff. A tour of the roundabout that is downtown then back home for a movie and relaxation.

It’s a good trip so far. Tomorrow is Graduation Day ceremony then Wednesday is an outing with the family day. I’m looking forward to it.